How many of you would like a closer relationship with God than you have right --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- now? (me too) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- How many of you have ever thought that it seems as though God is distant or --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- removed from your situation? (me too) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- How many of you would be willing to engage in a journey of discovery over the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- next forty days that could set you on a course to grow closer to God and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- recognize his presence? (me too!) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Over the next six Sundays we are embarking on a spiritual adventure. And I --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- expect that every single person who authentically engages in this endeavor will --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- discover that … --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- God Is Closer Than You Think! --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- For some of us this will mean a course correction in our spiritual journey. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Somewhere in the past we started to spiritually drift away from the vibrant --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- relationship with God that we once knew. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- For others it’s going to be a season of discovery. Maybe you’ve never been close --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to God—but you’ve desperately wanted to have a relationship with him. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- It could be that your relationship with God is perking along just fine. But because --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- of your closeness to God there is an inner drive to be even closer—for prayer to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- be more personal, for a sharper awareness of his activity in and around you. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Wherever you are on your spiritual journey … the next six weeks are designed to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- bring us even closer in our relationship with God.